2024 Updates
PYW is looking forward to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2023.

Visits Packages!
Save time and $$ with a visit package for physical therapy, yoga, trigger point dry needling, and run/strength programming. Healing from an injury, finding root causes in the kinetic chain, and managing chronic symptoms often require multiple visits; packages allow you to address your limitations and save money.

3 Month Run & Strength Coaching Subscription
Getting back in shape or training for a race? Consistent coaching helps keep you on track, adjusts workouts based on sickness or schedule changes, and helps manage recovery and injuries. Subscriptions last for 3 months and includes an initial consult + 5 follow ups.
Yoga+ for Dizziness
Reduce your dizziness & heal your brain! Yoga classes, mindfulness & meditation, and Q & A sessions provided by Dr. Jess Klain PT, DPT, a vestibular specialist and yoga instructor, and Kristen Bredar, a vestibular survivor and health coach.
Visit our on-demand library and get started today!